
ClouDNS,保加利亚商家,正规公司(Company Identity Code:202743734,VAT Number:BG202743734),主要提供DNS服务,数据中心分布全球,有免费版和收费版,价格合适。现在黑五优惠,网站监控有5折优惠(一次性),性价比合适。


Our Network Monitoring services provide an opportunity to check your server or services status instantly. Our different check types cover all possible network stacks for monitoring:

ICMP Ping – 12 ICMP ping checks to the given IP address. The packets are variable in size : 4x 64 bytes, 4x 512bytes, and 4x 1024bytes.
Web checks – HTTP/HTTPS requests to the given IP address/domain. The hostname, port, and url path can be customized.
TCP – The system makes TCP connection to the given IP address on the chosen port number. If the connection is unsuccessful, the check is marked as DOWN.
UDP – UDP connection to the specific IP address and port number. If the connection is unsuccessful, the check is marked as DOWN.
DNS – DNS query for chosen domain and query type on the given IP address. If the response is not equal to the expected response, the check is marked as DOWN.
